5 Reasons Why Polynesian Dance is Fabulous for Fitness

"I've lost 5 pounds in 3 weeks, and the only thing I've done is taken hula classes!", "The waistband of my jeans is getting looser!", and "Okay, this may be TMI, but I think the hip movements have made me regular!"

Polynesian dance fitness and health stories really are quite common, and as an instructor & dancer of over 45 years experience, I've heard and witnessed many of them firsthand. In fact, I used my own hula & tahitian practice as a very effective cardio workout after having my kids.

Mindful that Polynesian Dance is a sacred and treasured part of the culture and history of Polynesia and the Pacific Islands, you can't deny that it's so much more. From the graceful arm movements that tell stories to the rapid hip movements, hula and ori tahiti require strength and stamina. It truly is a killer workout!

In fact, in 2005, Canadian Publication Flare Magazine featured hula - along with an interview with me as their hula expert - as one of their dance fitness ideas for their September Issue article Shall We Dance: Wake up your workout...!

All you need is a soft sarong/pareo/lavalava for your hips, a comfortable shirt (we dance barefoot!), and some drumbeats, and you're ready to start getting healthy while having fun!

Here are 5 reasons why your health could benefit from daily island dance:

1: It builds beautiful lean muscles.
A common complaint from my new students after the first class is "My muscles were SO sore after that class!" Yes, it takes muscles to move those arms and hands to tell a story! You will feel soreness in the upper arms (deltoids), and depending on how deeply you bend your knees for each kaholo (the popular basic side-to-side traveling hula movement), you'll also give your lower body a blast.
And of course, when you engage your abs to do a fa'arapu, you're engaging your abs for a great core workout.

2: It packs a great cardiovascular punch.
My dancers are always amazed at how out-of-breath they are after a 30 minute show! Make your own half hour hula dance playlist and burn 279 calories every workout... double that if you mix in some short blasts of fast ori tahiti .And you get that all without the joint-jarring common with other high-impact workouts.
For my own workout, I created a high-intensity interval training hula playlist for myself by putting in an ote'a song after every 2 hula songs. Just 20 minutes of that, and I'm done!

3: It's a weight-bearing, bone-building activity.
The continual kaholo is just like walking, and one of the many health benefits of walking is its ability to turn around rapid bone loss that occurs in menopausal women. And working out in this low-impact fashion alleviates the joint stress associated with higher-impact exercises.

4: It helps build grace and coordination.
Hula makes you use muscles that most likely have never been used in combination before. Many of us call it waking your hula muscles.  With every part of your body doing something different, many times in opposite directions, you'll find your coordination and balance challenged and strengthened.
This is fantastic for the brain as it builds new connections.

5: It's fun!
Your hula workout can be as varied as the numerous hula songs out there! Mixing it up with ori tahiti numbers, dancing with friends, and even performing for loved ones offers options that can make your hula workout unique every time!

So, after all of that, you're dying to try it, right?

Well, if you live in Winnipeg, you're in luck! I'm a Certified HOT HULA fitness® Instructor, and I teach classes for fun and fitness!  Click here for MORE INFORMATION!

I can't wait to see you in class!

I Love...

This gratitude post was inspired by Schmutzie's post on Aiming Low. I wrote one of these a while ago at my old blog.  This one is my update. In no particular order...

My grandmother's house, Pandan, Daet Camarines Norte

... my grandmother’s house in the Philippines, with its jasmine and rose bushes, rice paddy field, and kalamansi trees...
... summer day trips to small towns just outside the city...
... watching my daughter dance ...
... that I lived with my husband first before we got married...
... having the door held open for me...
... the crack of the hard caramelized sugar top when I dig into a creme brulee...
... Scottish accents...
... white walls I freshly painted myself...
... teaching my HOT HULA fitness® classes to the best group of women I know...
... the annual Holiday Season pictures of the SOS childrens village we support every month...
... that the moment I sit on the couch, Cora comes and lies down on my lap...
... my house right after a good cleaning...
... watching new episodes of The 100 and The Umbrella Accademy on Netflix and reruns of Phineas & Ferb on Disney+...
... the feel of a fresh pair of contact lenses...
... how light my head feels after a long overdue haircut...
... that, sometimes, all I need is a quick swipe of my favourite lipsheer to make me feel better...
... how saying just one word would set my husband and me laughing over a shared memory...
... real-life royal weddings...
... the feeling after Goodwill comes and takes 10 boxes of my clutter away for other people to use...
... walking around Hilo, Hawai’i on misty days...
... when my online accounts notify me that I’ve been paid...
... going out for breakfast with my sister...
... dancing hip hop with my dance group...
... spending the whole day in pajamas...
... the caesar’s salad at Stella’s that has the perfect amount of garlic and parmesan...
... rediscovering what flowers I had planted when they pop up again in the Spring...
... the warmth of the Summer sun on my face...

How about you? What do you love right now?

50... aka "Oh, Crap, She's Back!"

Yes, this week, I turn 50!!!

 Feels like only yesterday that I was just turning 40.  It was a weird decade, and frankly, I'm glad it's over.  I'm leaving the bullshit behind, pressing the reset button, starting new, and celebrating!

So, as my gift to myself, and to you too, of course, I humbly and excitedly throw open the doors to my "new and improved" online home...

Welcome to NenetteMayor.com!

Come on in. Grab a drink. There's a teapot of darjeeling on the counter, some sangria in the fridge, and a bottle of Drambuie on the bar.  You'll probably recognize some of the furniture. I've decluttered a lot but kept many of my favourite pieces. So, it's pretty similar, but less sweet and more saucy, with a hint more cowbell.