January 4 - March 15: Saturdays  4:30-5:30pm
Ideal for those with no, or very little, experience with Polynesian Dance. These classes focus on building technique and strength targeting the core and lower body.  Nenette likes to call this her 60 minute squat class!
Dancers are also introduced to short chorography and combinations performed to drumbeats, reggae, and hiphop.
A sarong, pareu, or wraparound skirt is highly recommended. Dancers practice barefoot.


The Mayari Dance Project is Nenette's invitation-only intermediate/advanced Polynesian dance group. In these classes, we work on new and experimental choreography, expression, and technique.

Our vision at The Mayari Dance Project is to share our love of Polynesian Dance, provide a safe space to grow our dance skills and abilities in a judgement-free environment, and create a community of love, friendship, acceptance, and support. We also like to try new stuff!

We perform at Drop In Dance Showcase and the Manitoba Filipino Street Festival.



+ What do I wear to class? 
Comfortable workout clothes, and a sarong/pareo/lavalava or even a skirt to wear around your hips. If you don't have any of those around the house, check out our SHOP for Nenette's recommendations.  We dance barefoot!

+ But I don't know how to dance. (Okay, this isn't a question, but it's a common concern/fear.) 
You come to class to LEARN how to dance!  I don't expect you to know exactly what to do when you come through the door.  Just come and try it.  What have you got to lose?

+ Do I have to perform on stage?
It is not mandatory to dance on stage with us. We are actually not a performance group. We just enjoy dancing, trying new choreography, and expanding our abilities. We just want to have fun moving! 
BUT we do have a couple of opportunities to show off our skills to our adoring fans! We work towards a showcase or two, but no one is obligated to participate if just dancing in class is all you want to do!


Have questions, comments, and collaboration ideas?
Please contact me at nenette @ nenettemayor . com

Just wanna hang out?
Let's connect on Instagram!